Five Stars⭐️✨⭐️ I noticed my steering wheel was veering to the right so I knew it definitely needed an alignment. Googled some nearby places with good reviews and came across Brazusa! And they live up to the high ratings 100 percent. The mechanic was very friendly and informative he explained thoroughly the alignment before and after results which was very much appreciated. I also needed an oil change so figured while I’m here get that beats the prices at jiffy lube for sure!!! I also have been noticing my brakes have sounded squeaky he took the time to look at those while I was there and quote me for the rotors and pads work included!!! I will be going back for sure very good experience Highly recommend them to everyone for their car services!! Five out of five stars!
Thank you, Walter! We always provide the best service out there!
- Brazusa Auto Repair